Payment Processor (Cartridge) Details
Processor Data Mappings
Click to download processor data mappings.
To view supported payment types and features across all cartridges, see the XiPay On-Demand Processor Support Matrix.
Settlement Schedules
We submit settlement files to the various processors per the following schedule so there could be some delay time after you trigger settlement before the processor receives your files.
AMEX CAPN: every hour x:10
Paymentech Salem: every hour x:20. Paymentech Salem batches cannot be submitted for settlement until 2-hours after the time stamp of the last authorization in a given batch so this results in an additional delay for this processor.
FDMS North: every hour x:00
Elavon Encompass: every hour x:40
All other Processors: every 4 - 15 minutes
Additional Settlement Submission Schedule Considerations
Settlement is usually triggered by the merchant who first batches the transactions and then submits them; however, we have a couple of workflow options that allow XiPay to trigger settlement submission.
Settlement Sweeper (SS) is a configuration setting that can be requested by merchants that want XiPay to manage their settlement batches or whose solution does not have the concept of batches. The transactions must be "captured" for settlement (either from the source system or using the Settle Operation in the XiPay WebGUI), then SS assigns batch IDs and schedules the batches for settlement.
If you are using the Sale Operation (see One-Step Authorizations table under XiPay WebGUI section for more details), then Auto-Capture (AC) must be configured. AC captures the transactions for settlement, assigns the Batch IDs and schedules the batches for settlement.
Following are the run-times for SS and AC. The transactions will then be submitted to the processor for settlement at the next processor-specific run-time schedule defined above.
3:00 am
11:00 am
8:00 pm