
Features and Functionality

The following bullet points summarize XiUpdater features and functionality including exclusions:

  • Paymetric facilitates the secure update of credit card numbers, expiration dates and/or card types through the supported card updater service. Paymetric tokenizes the card numbers for use in the customer's systems.

  • Cardholder name, address and CVV values are NOT updated. (Note that CVV should never be stored per PCI DSS requirements.)

  • Only Visa and MasterCard branded payment cards issued in the United States and Canada are supported using the standard XiUpdater file format and workflow.

  • American Express cards can be supported through an AMEX-specific file format and workflow.


The Merchant checks credit card records for upcoming expiration dates and/or in the case of American Express, any new or deleted cards.

A file is generated per the XiUpdater file format (for Visa/MasterCard) or American Express file format and is PUSHED to the Paymetric SFTP server for processing. Once processed through the Card Updater Service Provider, the Merchant has the option to either PULL or have Paymetric PUSH the updated files. At this point, the file(s) are parsed to check for any values in the updated card number, card expiration date and card type (for Visa/MasterCard) fields.

For American Express, additional Merchant-side customizations are necessary to accommodate their file format and card updater workflow requirements.

The following diagram illustrates the overall high-level workflow for the XiUpdater solution.

Card Updater Service Providers

XiUpdater is supported for the following card updater service providers:

  • Elavon

  • Paymentech Salem

  • American Express (custom solution)

Click the link below to download the test card information for the given card updater service provider: